Friday, August 1, 2008

Bah, stuck in Pittburgh

I guess I shoulda paid extra and got a direct flight. Luckily, it's only supposed to be a 45 minute delay. I already ate lunch, so I guess now it's time to post some worthless drivel.

Rode the train into NYC last night with my friend Kevin, and we met up with some other "Audi people". 2 have met before, 2 I have not. I say "Audi people", cuz at one time they were but most arent now. Somehow, they all still managed to hang around the forums talking shit and making stuff up. Like sitting on your front porch sipping lemonade and telling tales of of yore. Well, not not exactly like that. I drove to Kevin's place in NJ and we took the loooooooong train ride in. Over an hour. We ate, drank, and made fun of each other at the Rare Bar. It was early an night, since people like to get to work on time in NY. I dont get it either.

New York observations. New Yorkers try and out New York each other. Like, they will try and prove that they are more New York than the next person. Funny. Old well dressed people like to fornicate in the streets. We were trying to hail a cab, and I think a few cabs passed us as we stared in amazement at this old couple going at it a little more affectionate than we should have been able to see, without paying. Couldnt look away though. I did not hear one "fuggetaboutit". What the hell?

By the way, if you are in New Jersey and need gas, dont try and pump it yourself. You will only look like an ass, as i experienced today. Oops.

Anyway, looking forward to getting home. Soon.

me in the train bathroom
grasshopper in my trunk
crocs in the airport

1 comment:

FireInTheSun said...

Dude, did your flight get delayed after I talked to you earlier? That sucks...

Oh and by the way, you are TOTALLY right about New Yorkers trying to out-New York each other. The best way to spot an honest-to-god New Yorker in New York is to find someone over the age of 50 who mentions absolutely nothing about being a New Yorker. Any one else is transplant. Hands down.