Monday, August 25, 2008

Back in the Gooch again.

I am back. I went home on Saturday night, had some time at home on Sunday and now I am back until Wednesday. I am not happy to be back, but making money is nice. Anyway, I have somethng to say about Henrico County and VA in general. Please ease up on the nazi policing, please. So many cops on the ride into VA this morning. I saw about 10 or so on the side of the road waiting to pull people all before 9am. Pretty shitty. There arent that many poeple on the road that early in the morning, which I gues is the point. It's much easier to speed with less cars on the road. OK, so Henrico County. I have had a ticket in Henrico County in the past and am ver aware of how they heavily they patrol their county. Coming back to the hotel from my sister's place lat Friday, I pulled onto the interstate and saw what I thought were "cop headlights" behind me. I take it easy, obey this speed limit, make sure I stay in my lane, etc and about 5 miles later I see blue lights. It has been a while, but that awful feeling came back. That getting pulled over feeling that you can somehow feel throughout your whole body. You know what I'm talking about. It sucks. I'm sure learning you have herpes or that your kid is gay feels similar. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He pulls me over, walked up to my window and says, "Have a good night". Yup, that's all he said. Before he could walk away, I asked, "Excuse me?", hoping he didnt think I was being a smartass, but I was really confused. I mean, I was already mentally prepared for whatever it was that he had pulled me for. "Well, I had pulled you over for your exhaust, but I see that you live in NC, so that doesnt really matter here. Have a good night". And that was it. I drove back to the hotel and had a drink, or 2. Pissed, confused, releived; I'm not really sure. That was last week though. This is a new week, back in Goochland.

Early morning driving

NC Sunrise

I had a beer with my sushi, and it was good. Tokyo roll!

Ben took me to the shithouse around the corner from him any my sister's house. Small on the outside, 4 stories deep on the inside.

1 comment:

Retracted said...

Naw man, Osaka in Short Pump.