Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In My Car

Here is 1 song from every CD currently in my car. Get em here.

  1. Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - Crystal Rainbow Pyramid (from Crystal Rainbow Under The Stars)
  2. Ilyas Ahmed - Under The Singing Sea (from The Vertigo Of Dawn)
  3. Pink Floyd - Lucifer Sam (from The Piper At The Gates of Dawn)
  4. Nick Drake - Place To Be (from Pink Moon)
  5. The Go - So Long Johnny (from Howl On The Haunted Beat You Ride)
  6. Them - Lonely Weekends (from Them)
  7. Thunderclap Newman - The Reason (from Hollywood Dream)
  8. The Rolling Stones - Soul Survivor (from Exile On Main St)
  9. The Go - Secular Century Man (from Free Electricity)
  10. The Jeff Beck Group - Definitely Maybe (from Paris Theater bootleg)
  11. Tony Conrad With Faust - [Untitled] (from Outside The Dream Syndicate Alive)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Back in the Gooch again.

I am back. I went home on Saturday night, had some time at home on Sunday and now I am back until Wednesday. I am not happy to be back, but making money is nice. Anyway, I have somethng to say about Henrico County and VA in general. Please ease up on the nazi policing, please. So many cops on the ride into VA this morning. I saw about 10 or so on the side of the road waiting to pull people all before 9am. Pretty shitty. There arent that many poeple on the road that early in the morning, which I gues is the point. It's much easier to speed with less cars on the road. OK, so Henrico County. I have had a ticket in Henrico County in the past and am ver aware of how they heavily they patrol their county. Coming back to the hotel from my sister's place lat Friday, I pulled onto the interstate and saw what I thought were "cop headlights" behind me. I take it easy, obey this speed limit, make sure I stay in my lane, etc and about 5 miles later I see blue lights. It has been a while, but that awful feeling came back. That getting pulled over feeling that you can somehow feel throughout your whole body. You know what I'm talking about. It sucks. I'm sure learning you have herpes or that your kid is gay feels similar. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He pulls me over, walked up to my window and says, "Have a good night". Yup, that's all he said. Before he could walk away, I asked, "Excuse me?", hoping he didnt think I was being a smartass, but I was really confused. I mean, I was already mentally prepared for whatever it was that he had pulled me for. "Well, I had pulled you over for your exhaust, but I see that you live in NC, so that doesnt really matter here. Have a good night". And that was it. I drove back to the hotel and had a drink, or 2. Pissed, confused, releived; I'm not really sure. That was last week though. This is a new week, back in Goochland.

Early morning driving

NC Sunrise

I had a beer with my sushi, and it was good. Tokyo roll!

Ben took me to the shithouse around the corner from him any my sister's house. Small on the outside, 4 stories deep on the inside.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More from Goochland...Richmond VA

Working in Goochland, Land of the Gooch, has been better than expected. Work has gone surprisingly well and I have seen a shitload of people that I havent seen in a long time. Years. Literally, some of them over 11 years or so. Nuts. Tuesday night, saw some bands and some people I did not expect to see, good and bad. Last night, I went to Tony Brown's place to see him, Holly. and the kids. Great time. I have never met their youngest Noah, and Angus was breastfeeding and fresh from the womb when I saw him last. These kids are like the perfect brothers. Kicking ass, climbing shit, playing with race cars, and beating the hell of one another, but yet seconds later, laughing and playing with one another. It was awesome. Tony and Holly are some great parents. Hey Tony, "nature". Hell, there was even an pre-show appearance at the Brown household courtesy of Hugh Wallace. Shit, I mean Q, as Angus called him.

Tonight I ate dinner with John, Andrew, and Hugh (again, wtf Hugh) and his wife Melissa. Vietnamese night. I had some Pho and a Lucifer. Pitchfork not included. I got to talk about the Olympics. Yeah, boooring, but I get off on these damn Olympic games. Next to the eating establishment, Mekong, was a gas station named Chubby's. Clearly named after it's proprietor, John Thomas Wallace. It's times like these I wish I had a real camera with me. Andrew got sick in John's Miata by the way...hahaaa.

After dinner, back to the hotel. More Olympics. Short distance running, etc. Yeah, the 'mericans got the silver and the bronze. Still, the silver winner was giving us the #1 sign and saying, "#1 baby!!" Actually, from what I remember, the silver medal is 2nd place. Just sayin.

Tomorrow, I shall see my sister.



Chubby in front of Chubby's, I swear!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Some random pictures from the past few weeks

Goochland VA

What a difference from last week in New York City. Goochland VA. Land of the Gooch I guess. Luckily there are no hotels there, so I will be staying around civilization in Richmond. Hope to see some friends this week as well as my sister and her family. Should be a good time, except I am working through Saturday which really sucks. Susan, and Kira, and Victoria are supposed to meet me halfway between Richmond and Raleigh this Wednesday which will be a nice break. Before I left today, I got my car inspected. I have been dreading this since it was due in June. The guy inspecting it had no idea what kind of car it was, so the visual inspection must have baffled him cuz he passed it. PASS!! I got an A+. Anyway, I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog, like tourist pictures from last week in NYC. Bye.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New York City

A week back in NC and now back on the road. NYC this week. It didnt start off so well. I was supposed to leave Monday at 2PM on a direct flight and arrive at 3 something. I found a parking space at the airport, lugged in all my bags and waited in line only to find that my flight was canceled due to rain in New York. Lesson learned. Always check your flight status before you leave your house. Luckily the airport isnt far from home, so I went back and got to hang out with the family for a few more hours. That was just a tease though. "I'm hooooome". Not for long. Back to the airport to catch my 7PM flight. All is well. Get on the plane and fly to Reagan International for a layover before getting into NY. That's cool, I get to eat. The plane boards a few minutes late, but I can deal with that, until I get to my seat. I am stuck next to the Teenage Obnoxioso Mecamarican Brother and Sister Dream Team speaking Spanglish, laughing at everyfuckingthing, spilling food and drink, laughing at everyone, and really really really acting too close to to be siblings. I wish I had a knack for explaining things in detail, because that would really come in handy right about now. I thought they were a couple until they ran off the plane to meet their parents. It was really creepy. Anyway, we sit on the damn tarmac for 3o minutes until we finally take off. It was hell, listening to the Dream Team without the use of my iPod. You cant use any electronic devices when taxiing, but how bout when we are just fuckign sitting there waiting to take off with no end in sight. Ah, that's what US Airways radio (or whatever it's called) is for. I found a headphone jack in the armrest, and plugged in. 5 channels. A few Spanish, American standards (whatever that is), and some other crap. I find Blue Man Group. Blue Man Group saves the day. I cant believe it either. I thought they were a visual thing, but apparently people listen to their music too. I did, and I fell asleep. Maybe that's what i'ts for. If so, it worked.

We landed after 10 and I took the bus to get my rental. A Dodge Nitro this week. I think it's supposed to be like a Jeep. Things are going smoothly, the new GPS works, until I see a sign reading "Last exit before toll". Shit, this is not my exit and I knew I should have hit the ATM at the airport. The toll booth does not take crdit cards, but they do issue tickets. I had to pull over to the "help, i am a loser" area and wait for a policeman to issue me a ticket. Not really a ticket, but more of a pay us the $5 toll fee plus a $2 fee for making us do work. Since I am one of those that believes in karma, I will pay, but what if I didnt? I was in a rental.

Got in my room at midnight and watched the US flub through mens gymnastics. They seemed more than happy with the Bronze. They were a bit too many "yeah baby" and "thats how we roll" than I expected for a bunch of white kids in tights, but then again, what do I know. I was embarrassed for them. Anyway, to this morning. Hopped in the Jeep thing and turned on the radio. Satellite radio. Flipping around, I hear a song that sounds familiar. Wasnt sure what it was at first, or maybe I did and just wasnt expecting to hear it. The damn Bleeding Hearts on the Underground Garage. Nice. That was a cool way to start the morning. I wont bore you with the rest of my day, like the $8 toll to get over the GW bridge, or the $32 parking fee, or how the machine I am installing arrived with a major broken part, or that it took me hours to figure out how to find a part number for it and then figure out how to order it. Hope the week gets better.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Bah, stuck in Pittburgh

I guess I shoulda paid extra and got a direct flight. Luckily, it's only supposed to be a 45 minute delay. I already ate lunch, so I guess now it's time to post some worthless drivel.

Rode the train into NYC last night with my friend Kevin, and we met up with some other "Audi people". 2 have met before, 2 I have not. I say "Audi people", cuz at one time they were but most arent now. Somehow, they all still managed to hang around the forums talking shit and making stuff up. Like sitting on your front porch sipping lemonade and telling tales of of yore. Well, not not exactly like that. I drove to Kevin's place in NJ and we took the loooooooong train ride in. Over an hour. We ate, drank, and made fun of each other at the Rare Bar. It was early an night, since people like to get to work on time in NY. I dont get it either.

New York observations. New Yorkers try and out New York each other. Like, they will try and prove that they are more New York than the next person. Funny. Old well dressed people like to fornicate in the streets. We were trying to hail a cab, and I think a few cabs passed us as we stared in amazement at this old couple going at it a little more affectionate than we should have been able to see, without paying. Couldnt look away though. I did not hear one "fuggetaboutit". What the hell?

By the way, if you are in New Jersey and need gas, dont try and pump it yourself. You will only look like an ass, as i experienced today. Oops.

Anyway, looking forward to getting home. Soon.

me in the train bathroom
grasshopper in my trunk
crocs in the airport