Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bismarck ND

Large Toyota. Larger snowbank.

Corkscrew hand

V8 Powah!!!

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another loooooong day.

15 hours at Safeway today. I am so damn tired, and I have to be back at 6AM. This combination of long days, daylight saving time, and PST are all really killing me. I cant seem to stay awake.

So when i finally did get back to my hotel room, I noticed I lost my room key. I swear this happens every week, or I leave it in the room, or my cell phone demagnetizes the key. The old lady at the front desk asks for my ID so she can issue me a new key. She notices my NC license and tells me her "honey" is from there. I ask where her "honey" is from in NC, and then replied with "Welll, you're supposed to ask you my honey".  I wanted to just tell her to fuck off, but my better side prevailed and I played along. "Clay", she said. Lady, come the fuck on here. The last thing I want to do after a 15 hour day on my feet is talk about Clay Aiken. She met him ya know. Yeah, Ok....g'night.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

RIP friends and teenage memories

Susan informed me today that a friend of ours passed away last night. I wont claim to know Scott very well, but we did hang out a few times and from what I knew of him, he was a passionate individual. Sorry you never got to fly again Scott.

Also, I heard this morning that a guitiarist of my favorite band as a teenager died on Halloween. Milo Goes To College was my soundtrack for years. It still sounds great.