Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another loooooong day.

15 hours at Safeway today. I am so damn tired, and I have to be back at 6AM. This combination of long days, daylight saving time, and PST are all really killing me. I cant seem to stay awake.

So when i finally did get back to my hotel room, I noticed I lost my room key. I swear this happens every week, or I leave it in the room, or my cell phone demagnetizes the key. The old lady at the front desk asks for my ID so she can issue me a new key. She notices my NC license and tells me her "honey" is from there. I ask where her "honey" is from in NC, and then replied with "Welll, you're supposed to ask you my honey".  I wanted to just tell her to fuck off, but my better side prevailed and I played along. "Clay", she said. Lady, come the fuck on here. The last thing I want to do after a 15 hour day on my feet is talk about Clay Aiken. She met him ya know. Yeah, Ok....g'night.

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